The Teaching Monks

Learn the Dhamma, train oneself, and find Inner Peace with the teachings of the Sangha of well practicing ones.

They will teach the philosophy of Buddhism, it’s practice that leads to inner happiness and peace, and practical teachings that can be used in daily life.

These 10 Venerable Monks at iMonastery are ready to advise and transmit the path to True Happiness to everyone at this peaceful forest monastery.

Phra Narongchai Thanajayo

Chief of International Ordination@MONKLIFE PROJECT

He was a young successful engineer in the world of Technology, lived and worked in USA nearly 10 years. His last job before ordaining as a Buddhist monk was a project counsellor for Office of Science and Technology, Royal Thai Embassy in Brussels, Belgium. He was ordained in 2007 and stay as a monk ever since.

For over a decade, he has been the Chief of International Ordination and Training Program helping a thousand of men to transform themselves into someone better. The program provides the unique opportunity for spiritual seekers from around the world to experience the monastic life and deepening their meditation practice. He holds a Ph.D. in Peace Studies. His vision is to “Make the world a better place through the attainment of inner peace of individuals”.

Phra Arjan Suraphong

Started his meditation training with one of the most respected and well known teaching monk in Thailand, Most Venerable Luang Pu Sam Akinchano, Pa Trai Wiwek Temple, Surin Province at the age of 12, then later seek further teachings in Paknam Phasi Charoen Temple during his 2nd year in engineering college.

He then ordained for 8 months at Wat Paknam before disrobing and helping run his family business of garment and fabric factory.

At the age of 35, after many years as Vice President at IFCT Capital Management Co., Ltd., Phra Ajarn Surapong decided to pursue life in the saffron robe once again and remain in mookhood till today at the age of 62.

– Fundamentals Buddhist Philosophy Level 3.
– Fund raise to aide Buddhist communities in Southern Thailand (1999-2006).
– Established meditation centre in the heart Dunadin, New Zealand.

Phra John
Theravada Buddhist Teaching Monk

Once a pianist, photographer, and computer programmer, LP John, or Monk John, ordained as a Theravada Buddhist Monk 13 years ago after finishing his PhD in Telematics.

With his tech background, Monk John has pioneered the biggest free online self-development and meditation platform that has attracted users worldwide.

He travels the world giving insights into mindfulness, meditation and Buddhist philosophy helping individuals enrich their lives and find balance. Monk John also works with NGOs, government agencies, universities, and corporates such as Google, Orange, Zoom, Ogilvy and Teamwork in 70 countries.

Phra Op

Background in Production Engineering, as well as founder of youth development program with one of leading university in Thailand, Venerable Thananan Ratanananto have then later lead various monastic programs during his 14 years of monkhood.

Leading historic monk ordination programs in Southern Thailand for 3 years, as well as over a decade of meditation experience, Venerable Thananan Ratanananto is trusted to oversee the Dhamma Practices Program that train more than 300 new monks yearly.

Phra Ake
Monk Akekapop Tikkavīro

After Luang Pi Ake graduated Bachelor’s degree in International Financial and Accounting Norms from a French university in 2014, he worked in an International French company based in Thailand then decided to ordain as a Theravada Buddhist Monk 8 years ago to find the missing happiness.

Along his Monk Life, He had participated in youth projects such as: advisor of a famous Thai youth self-development program as well as spreading meditation and insights through social media where more than 1200 people meditate together daily.

As a francophone, He enjoys meditation and contributing to online sessions that spread peace of mind and insight in Buddhism through meditation in French as well.

Phra Punchai Punnajotiko (Bee)
Theravada Buddhist Monk

Born in The United States, Monk Punchai spent more than 20 years growing up in America. He started his meditative practice at the early age of 6. He has been a Theravada Buddhist Monk in Thailand for the past ten years.
Monk Punchai has been intensively training and developing his meditation in his monastery’s special meditation team for the past nine years. With his developed meditative understanding, Monk Punchai teaches meditation to the masses.

He has taught on numerous platforms to thousands from all around the world. He has taught people of all different backgrounds, including CEOs, government officials, professors, trainers, and others. Through years of training and teaching, he sees that meditation is a universal gift that can lead all to discover their true universal happiness.

Phra Timothy Dhiranando

From Sacramento, California, Monk Tim travelled to Thailand in 2014 looking for meditation training and ordained as a Theravada Buddhist monk.

Ever since, immersed in a monk’s life of mindfulness and meditation, he shares his knowledge with individuals and groups from across the world. He enjoys the art of drawing and journaling, using it as a tool to support the pursuit of inner peace.

Phra Yao Buddhinando

A monk of Malaysian Chinese descent, Ven. Yao Buddhinando was ordained under Most Venerable Phra Promwachirapanyachan (Thongdee Suratecho, Pali Grade 9) after completing his studies in Doctor of Medicine (M.D.). Since then, Ven. Yao has been helping with ordaining, teaching, and training international monks from all over the world. Ven. Yao teaches Dhamma and conducts meditation sessions, both online and onsite, with English, Chinese and Thai as the main medium, across Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia. His Dhamma teachings are well-received amongst new monks and lay devotees who can easily relate and apply his advice to their spiritual practice and to overcome daily challenges.

Phra Srijug Chavanapunyo

LP Srijug was born in the Southern part of Thailand and went to an international high school in Malaysia. He graduated with a Bachelor’s majoring in recording arts in Australia. He was passionate about being successful in life so he joined his brother’s design company (Cerebrum design Ltd) in sales and marketing and started his own network marketing company, while pursuing his dream, he had the opportunity to practice meditation and give himself a reward by becoming a short-term monk many year since 2003, In 2018 during his 10th time of monkhood he started to realize and understand the true meaning of happiness by practicing meditation, and slowly letting go of all his attachments and extended his monkhood day by day up until now,

During his monkhood, he had joined an intensive 2 year meditation program, sharing his wisdom with many people in different countries

LP Srijug has now joined the Monklife project as an interviewer, supervising foreign monks and assisting in teaching.

Phra Jimmy

While studying marketing from the top university in Thailand, Venerable Jirakit Atthasuddho have been leading International NGO programs as Vice President, pursuing equality in education among youths in Thailand that sees more than 60 volunteers from 15 nations, teaching english across Thailand yearly.

Shortly after graduating, Venerable Jirakit have been aiding MonkLife Project as assistant teaching monk, administrator and registrar to explains ways in which people across the globe can ordain as a Buddhist with ease.

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