7 steps for international ordination at iMONASTERY
Ordination as a monk is considered a pure mind training and an opportunity to practice to correct bad habits for life. iMONASTERY has organised a 30-day international ordination program to give people from around the world the opportunity to experience and learn Buddhism and meditation deeply. The steps are as follows
1. Keep the 8 precepts to prepare
Candidates will start by observing the 8 precepts to train the mind to be calm and pure. Prepare for the ordination ceremony.
2. Hair cutting ceremony
The teacher will perform a hair cutting ceremony to symbolise the beginning of abandoning adherence to worldly life.
3. Ordained
Candidates will receive a hairdress and a white cloth. Then make a request to the family and receive a tri to prepare for the ordination ceremony.
4. Ordination ceremony
Enter the ordination ceremony. Ordained as a monk completely with the Upajja and the teacher as the ceremony.
5. Meditation training and Dharma study
Throughout the 30 days, the new monk will practice meditation, study the Buddha’s teachings, and learn the way of life of the monks.
6. Lasikkha
After 30 days, you will enter the Lasikkha ceremony to return to secular life. If you wish to continue ordination, you can inform the teacher.
7. Interview for the MONK 4 LIFE project
Those who are interested can apply for the MONK 4 LIFE program for a period of 3 years. You will receive additional training at the international monk’s accommodation, Pak Thongchai, in the province of Nakhon Ratchasima.
Why be ordained at iMONASTERY❓
This project not only gives participants the opportunity to experience the Dharma deeply, but also creates valuable life experiences in the midst of a peaceful atmosphere of nature.
Join the journey to discover yourself through Buddhism at iMONASTERY🏕✨
Apply for find inner peace
Application Form
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Line@ https://lin.ee/4qvE7Ux (Line id: @iMONASTERY)
Tel: 082 411 6633
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