My name is Enrique Labre and I am from the U.S.A. I am currently a college student studying Data Science and A.I.
Around the time I joined the program, I just took a break from college and I was struggling a lot with my mental health, particularly in trying to manage my ADHD. I was looking for a way to be able to stay focused and disciplined without the strictness of my parents. When I was thinking of ways to learn discipline I came up with the idea of becoming a monk and when I googled how I could become one I found the iMonastery’s ordination program.
After having been ordained for 7 months, I can say it has been one of the most life changing experiences I’ve ever had. Although many don’t realize it, living in the lay world lays a certain fog over your mind. Thoughts and actions don’t flow out intentionally and smoothly. When I practiced the lifestyle of the monks it cleansed my mind of this fog, like cleaning a pair of really dirty glasses, allowing me to properly see and reflect on my life and the present moment.
Being able to stay in the present moment calm and aware in this manner has allowed me to get through many of the adversities of daily life much more easily.
Being a monk was a great way for me to mentally reset myself, to temporarily put on hold my worldly duties to commit to my spiritual and mental cleansing and development. It also really allowed me to see how little I needed to actually be happy, that if my goal in life is to be happy, I really don’t need to pursue things like money and status.
Being a monk has brought great benefits to my day to day life. For one, I am able to manage my emotions much better than before. Before when I would get angry with my family for different things they might do at home, I can now see my self emotionally reacting and by being present I calm down a lot and respond kindly. I has also helped me a lot in managing my screen time, where I can be present and realize if I am using my phone too much and do something else more productive instead.