Why become a monk? By Christian Bentsen

Christian Bentsen, a student from Norway

(Interview prior to coming for 2nd ordination)

On how ordination changed his life the first time he states, “I ordained the first time after various stresses in my life. Since going home my relationship with my family and friends have improved enormously without any real effort. I continued to keep up my meditation and loving kindness practice.”

“I really appreciated the program even more after I realized how special and life changing it was. I had a gut feeling that I should come back, that there was a lot more to study about regarding meditation and the Dhamma. I felt a great sense of familiarity and recognition (pubbenivasa) with the monks and people both last time and this time.”

Christian was so touched he invited his best friend whom he meditates with to join the second time around. “I have invited my best friend Andreas to come this time.”

On what he hopes to achieve during his second ordination he states, “I think I would like to get out of this program, more sense of calm, more sense of peace, and a sense of purity to kind of connect to my inner child.”

– Christian Bentsen –

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